Research guidance

Ngā aratohu rangahau
Research guidance
Advice and support if you're using archives in your research – tips for getting started and finding archives on popular topics, information about the records we hold, and how to get help if you need it.
How can we help with your research today?
How to research archives
Tips to help you discover and find archives that are relevant to your topic, and links to useful research resources.
Definitions of archival terms
Record listings in Collections search can be confusing if you're not familiar with the language we use. Check the meanings of words we use to describe our records.
Research guides
Find out what archives we have on your topic, how to find them, and what information they contain.
Copying and citing archives
Check how to cite or reference an archival record if you use it in your research.
Visit a reading room
Opening hours, phone numbers and addresses for our reading rooms in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin.
How to use Collections search
Advice and guides to help you use our new Collections search – create an account and sign in, find records, and use advanced search and the filter.