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12 July 2024

Our new archival building on the corner of Aitken and Mulgrave streets in Wellington is set for kaimahi (staff) to begin occupation in mid-2025. We anticipate a period of disruption during this period while we relocate our records and holdings and acquaint ourselves with our new fit-for-purpose surroundings.

The building will be occupied by kaimahi from Archives New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision. Its facilities will encompass state-of-the-art:

  • repositories

  • freezer and cold stores

  • conservation studios

  • AV suites

  • workspaces for kaimahi

  • reading rooms for the general public.

Considering the immense scale of the shift, some services will be temporarily affected, including access to our reading rooms and holdings. If you're planning to visit us from July 2025, please check our website or email us before you confirm your plans for the journey to Wellington.