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Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand provides an interesting and rewarding working environment to approximately 110 staff. Our head office is located in Wellington, as well as regional offices in Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin.

Archives New Zealand is the official guardian of New Zealand’s public archives. We gather, store and protect an extremely wide range of material. Our holdings include the originals of the Treaty of Waitangi, the 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition, government documents, maps, paintings, photographs and film.

The Public Records Act 2005 sets the framework for contemporary recordkeeping across government and Archives New Zealand works with government agencies to promote effective recordkeeping practices.

We are a dynamic team of professional archival staff, advisors and support staff committed to achieving the organisation’s 3 key outcomes:

  • archives are well used and accessible

  • archives are well managed, and

  • government agencies keep good records.

We offer careers with variety and challenge, a range of benefits and opportunities for career development.

For current Archives New Zealand vacancies, please visit the Current Vacancies at the Department of Internal Affairs page