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Using this website

While using our website, you should be able to: 

  • zoom in up to 300% without problems 

  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard 

  • use most of the website with a screen reader such as NVDA or Voiceover 

  • use the website on a variety of devices including desktop computers, tablets, laptops, and on mobile 

  • find and understand information—even if you're not confident using digital technology or have an impairment that makes it harder to use.  

Our website works best on most modern browsers. If you’re using an older browser, we recommend updating it to the latest version. 

Please note Internet Explorer is no longer supported.  

Read more about supported browsers 

Content that is not accessible

Parts of this website are not fully accessible. For example: 

  • forms, tables and videos have accessibility issues 

  • when using the Firefox web browser with a screen reader, there are some accessibility issues with the main navigation 

  • accessibility has not been assessed on a variety of mobile devices. 

Providing feedback and reporting accessibility issues

Although we have been working on fixing accessibility issues with the website, we are always looking to improve. If you find any other accessibility problems, or you want to share your feedback, contact us.  

If you are reporting an accessibility issue, please let us know: 

  • which page you are having a problem with 

  • your operating system 

  • your browser and internet service provider. 

How we support accessibility

We support accessibility by: 

  • continually reviewing the website to identify accessibility issues 

  • working to fix known accessibility issues 

  • encouraging our team to adopt an ‘accessibility first’ approach 

  • providing training to our kaimahi on accessibility best practices 

  • delivering on the Accessibility Charter 

  • working to meet the NZ Government Web Accessibility Standards. 

Conformance status We aim to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard. We also follow best practice for accessibility and usability as set out in the NZ Government Web Standards

Assessment approach

An accessibility audit was completed by an independent digital accessibility consultancy in May 2022 to identify accessibility issues with the website on desktop and mobile. 

Based on the issue log supplied by our provider we prioritised issues that were deemed critical and high priority, that would prevent users from accessing our site.  We continue to be working towards improving the experience it makes sense. 

An accessibility retest was completed in February 2023 by the same independent provider to evaluate our progress. 

Last statement review date

May 2023