Haere ki ō mātou rūma pānui
Visit a reading room
Find opening hours and addresses for our reading rooms in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. If you're planning to visit us, remember you'll need photo ID like a passport or driver's license.
We have four reading rooms around the country – in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. We can’t send records from one Archives building to another – if you want to see an item in person, you’ll need to visit the archive that holds it.
Opening hours and contact details
Visit us during our reading room opening hours.
- Street Address
- 95 Richard Pearse Drive, Mangere, Manukau 2022, New Zealand
- Postal Address
- PO Box 201103, Auckland Airport, Manukau, New Zealand
- Phone Number
- 00 64 9270 1100
- Fax
- 00 64 9276 4472
- Email Address
- auckland.archives@dia.govt.nz
- Reading Room Hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm
Reception Hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
- Street Address
- 10 Mulgrave Street, Thorndon, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand
- Postal Address
- PO Box 12-050, Wellington, New Zealand
- Phone Number
- 00 64 4 4995 595
- Email Address
- research.archives@dia.govt.nz
- Reading Room Hours
Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm
Reception Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Email general.enquiries@dia.govt.nz for all other enquiries.
- Street Address
- 15 Harvard Avenue, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand
- Postal Address
- PO Box 642, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
- Phone Number
- + 64 3 377 0760
- Email Address
- christchurch.archives@dia.govt.nz
- Reading Room Hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm
Reception Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
- Street Address
- 556 George Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
- Postal Address
- PO Box 6183, Dunedin North, Dunedin, New Zealand
- Phone Number
- 00 64 347 70404
- Email Address
- dunedin.archives@dia.govt.nz
- Reading Room Hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm
Reception Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Order records and book a visit
You can order up to 5 records at a time:
online, before you visit
in the reading room, on the day of your visit.
Online ordering
Use our online form to order items. Remember to include:
the item IDs and names of the records you want to view
the day you want to visit
proof that you have permission to see any restricted records you’ve ordered – find out where to get this on the record page in Collections search.
Order records to view in the reading room
Sign up with RealMe before you visit
Before we can issue your items, you’ll need to:
provide us with your contact details
have a RealMe account.
Don’t worry if you haven’t got a RealMe account – you can sign up for one and provide us with your contact details on our Collections search site.
Visit Collections search to sign up with RealMe
Reading room ordering
You can order more records in the reading room on the day of your visit. You may need to return some items first, so you don’t have more than 5 at a time.
Reading room order times
If you order an item in the reading room, it may take up to an hour to arrive.
Help with research and ordering
If you need help with your research, have a question about a record, or aren’t sure how to make an order, you can find guidance on our website or ask us for advice.
Research tips
Read our research tips for guidance about researching in the archives, advice for students and links to useful online resources.
Get research tips and guidance
Research guides
If you’re learning about a new topic, our research guides are a great place to start. Find out what archives we have on your topic, how to find them, and what information they contain.
Ask an archivist
Send us a question about your research, and an archivist will respond.
Using the reading rooms during COVID-19
Everyone who visits Archives plays an important part in keeping our staff, collections and other researchers safe.
Reading room rules
Our reading room rules help us protect our archives and make sure all our researchers get the most out of their time in the reading rooms. These are the most important.
You need to show photo ID, like a passport or driver's license, to be issued with records.
Never take an archive out of the reading room.
Respect other researchers by keeping your voice low and your phone on silent.
Be polite to our staff.
Find a full list of rules in our Reading room guidelines
What to bring in and leave outside
These items are not allowed in the reading rooms:
food or drink
bags or suitcases
computer covers or cases
All our reading rooms have lockers you can use while you visit.
You can bring the following items into the reading rooms:
clear plastic bags
mobile phones (on silent).
Photos, scans and copies
You can take photos of records on:
your phone
a camera.
You don’t need to get permission to do this, and there’s no charge.
In some reading rooms, you can use your own handheld scanner to make copies of records. We’ll need to check your device first, as some scanners can damage our archives.
It’s a good idea to bring a camera or phone with you as backup, in case your scanner isn’t suitable.
Disabled parking is available at all our reading rooms. Contact us before you visit, and we’ll book you a space.
Some reading rooms have extra parking spaces:
Auckland has 10 free spaces.
Christchurch has 6 free spaces. You can park for free close to the reading room, on Harvard Avenue.
Dunedin has 6 free spaces.