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Digital preservation, as defined by the Digital Preservation Coalition, encompasses “the series of managed activities necessary to ensure continued access to digital materials for as long as necessary".

Archives oversees digital preservation by managing our digital collections. We provide public access to information stored in the Government Digital Archive, referred to as the GDA. Under the PRA, agencies must maintain an accurate record of government, including digital information. The GDA protects, preserves, and provides access to this information to all New Zealanders.

For us digital preservation applies to both born-digital and reformatted content such as digitised records, that we receive from government agencies. We have policies, strategies, and actions in place that aim to preserve the integrity and accessibility of this digital content.

Our digital transfer model includes four basic elements:

  • Working closely with government agencies to plan and prepare digital information for transfer

  • Measuring and testing the feasibility of a potential transfer

  • Engaging in live transfer and deposit upon successful testing

  • Making the digital records accessible and searchable online in Collections search.

Find digital records in Collections search

Once records are deposited safely into the GDA the information is monitored over time to ensure ongoing integrity and accessibility.

Our staff supports digital preservation efforts through the continuous maintenance and management of our digital preservation system. This includes:

  • designing ingest workflows,

  • aiding staff users in the deposit of digitised and born-digital content,

  • testing new application versions, and

  • solving preservation issues related to file formats.

Beyond managing our digital repository, the team develops and revises digital preservation policies, supports digitisation projects, and investigates open source technology and tools.

If you have any questions regarding digital preservation please email us.