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Information management practices include acquisition, custodianship, distribution, and disposal through archiving or deletion.

The maturity of an organisation’s information management strategy provides an indication of their ability to protect their information in times of business change (information is often exposed to greater risks when an organisation is undergoing change). In the last few years, many public sector organisations have had to make business changes in response to COVID-19.

The annual Survey of public sector information management is a key regulatory tool for assuring public sector information is well-managed. The following key indicators provide a high-level perspective on whether information management is improving, declining, or remaining stable.

The full survey results provide more comprehensive data on the performance of public sector organisations.

Findings report - Survey of public sector information management 2020/21 (PDF, 4MB)

Summary - Survey of public sector information management 2020/21 (PDF, 666KB)

Information Management Governance Groups


Governance groups are foundations for elevating the importance of information management and integrating it into business operations. A lack of governance often indicates poor organisational performance in this area.

60% of responding organisations had formal governance groups for information management.

Information Management Staff


Information management specialists are essential for the proper functioning of digital government. It is however, common for organisations with fewer than 100 total FTEs to have no information management staff.

Seven large responding organisations had few information management specialists and were at greater risk of mismanaging their information.

Identification of high-value and/or high-risk information


Identifying high-value/high-risk information is a foundation for other information management activities. It is a critical first step towards mitigating associated risks and extracting maximum value from information assets.

Little progress has been made in the last year to identify high-value and/or high-risk information.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles of partnership, participation and protection underpin the relationship between the Government and Māori.

Many public sector organisations create and hold information important to whānau, hapū and iwi.

Little progress has been made in the last year to identify records with te ao Māori value.

Improving access to information with te ao Māori value is the most common activity to improve usage.

Building information management requirements into new business systems


Building information management requirements into a business system from the beginning enables proper management of the information created and stored in that system.

Half of responding organisations had built information management requirements into their business systems.

Active, authorised destruction of information


A large proportion of the information an organisation creates does not have long-term value for the organisation or New Zealanders. Active, authorised destruction of information helps mitigate the risk associated with retaining it for longer than required.

Little progress has been made in the last year to actively carry out the authorised destruction of physical and/or digital information.