For 40 years New Zealand's introduced itself to the world through the National Film Unit, until these new studios in Lower Hutt are now an invitation, themselves, to see where filmmaking here is going.
"Take one!"
With the film in the can, it's but a step to the laboratory and the heart of the whole picture making enterprise.
10 processors can give full customer service in black and white or color, 35 or 16 millimeter negative to positive with 'rushes' in less than a day.
And to complete the process, a trick or two from special effects and the sound Department.
Sound is recorded separately from picture so before film editing can begin, the two must be synchronized, This is what the clapper-board is for.
This is what the clapper-board is for.
Ok mate
Well what do you think?
It's far more natural in the open air.
Yea, especially on such a beautiful day. Yea right!
Hey Jane let me know if that fan's drying your hair out too much and we can move it around or stop it or something like that, ok?
And now the story can really start.
[background chatter]
Delicate manipulation, to bring out the color.
Sharp ears to see to the soundtrack.
Yeah, that's alright for a first run-through.
What do you think about the baby crying effect on effect two?
That's all right but I don't like that baby crying very much anyway, I'm going to really emphasize the primitive atmosphere, what can you do about that?
A final effect that amalgamates 50 separate skills.
It's team effort from artists and administrator, public or private, that makes any movie memorable.
[background chatter]
An asset for everyone, these new studios are launching New Zealand to stardom.
- Re-use information
Studio Tour (1981)
National Film Unit, 1981
He whakatūpato kupu kiko
Content warning
He kōrero matatapu pea kei roto i ngā pūranga, ka whakapāmamae pea i te tangata. Ko ētahi pea o ngā kōrero, he mōhiohio, he reo manioro ka kīia ināianei he tawhito, ā, he mōrihariha hoki. Me tūpato i te wā e whakauru atu ana.
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