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This guide is designed to work in tandem with the search help page already available on Collections: Search help - Collections search (

Tip: You can apply these techniques to any keyword search, it is not limited to names.

Tip: Any of the filters or advanced search conditions here can be used in any combination.

Step 1: Use the ‘Name’ field in advanced search.

In the advanced search fields, add a 'condition'.

Select as your field name - 'Name' . Using the 'Name' this means you are searching within the 'Name field in Collections search only.

Searching for: John Smith

Search results using the free text search: 4261

Search results using only the 'Name field: 4090

Step 2: Narrow down with the ‘Start date’ advanced search.

Add another advanced search condition using the ‘Start date’ field name and the ‘Range’ rule. You can use the rule ‘Equals’ if you have a specific date in mind, but adding a range is helpful just in case the start date is unexpected (i.e. bound volumes with wide date ranges).

Tip: If your date range returns no results, make the range wider.

Tip: Make ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’ conditions both be the lifetime (birth – death) of the person you are researching to only find records that started and ended within their lifetime. To learn more about why we have both conditions, you can check the Search help - Collections search (

Searching for: John Smith, Start date 1910s End date 1920

Search results before step: 4085

Search results after step: 438

Step 3: Go to the filter and select the Location filter.

Location stands for where the physical file is held, not the subject of the file. You may decide to filter the results to the location nearest to you, so you are more able to visit and view records in person. You can use Research guides – Archives New Zealand to find locations for many different types of files.

Tip: Using the ‘Location’ filter narrows down the other filters at the same time

Tip: The number beside the filter shows how many search results you will have.

Searching for: John Smith, Start date 1910s end date 1920s, Dunedin

Search results before step: 436

Search results after step: 21

Step 4: Narrow down subjects of interest with the Series filter.

The next filter to consider is the ‘Series’ filter. This filter will sort the items by what series they are in.

Tip: Not all items are organised in series. You can add the subject to a keyword search to try and find these items.

Tip: The series with the most search results is displayed at the top of the filter list.

Tip: If you do not see a series that matches what you are looking for, click ‘Load more’.

Searching for: John Smith, Start date 1910s end date 1920s, Dunedin, Dunedin Divorce files

Search results before step: 21

Search results after step: 3

If you are still unable to find a file, please use our Ask an Archivist form, and we will be in touch to help.