Ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki
Temporary care records protection instruction
Kua puta mai i te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua ētahi tohutohu hou e taupua ana mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki. Anei ngā mōhiohio me mōhio koe.
The Chief Archivist has issued a new temporary care records protection instruction. Here’s what you need to know.
He tohutohu hou hei tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki
New instruction to protect care records
Kua puta mai i te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua ētahi tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki. Ko tā ēnei tohutohu tiaki he unu mai, he whakakapi hoki i te aukati ākiri (disposal moratorium) mō ngā mauhanga e hāngai ana ki Te Kōmihana Whakatewhatewha Pūwherowhero i te Tūkinotanga i Ngā Whare Whakamaru, i puta tuatahi mai i te 28 o Māehe 2019. Ko tā ngā tohutohu hou he tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki i a mātou e arotake ana i ngā tikanga pupuri, ākiri hoki i ngā mauhanga manaaki a Te Karauna.
Pānuitia ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki (PDF 169KB)
Pānuitia ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki (Word 107KB)
The Chief Archivist has issued a temporary care records protection instruction. This protection instruction withdraws and replaces the disposal moratorium on records relevant to the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry originally issued 28 March 2019. The new instruction is to protect care records while work is undertaken to review the retention and disposal of State care records.
Read the temporary care records protection instruction (PDF 169KB)
Read the temporary care records protection instruction (Word 107KB)
He aha ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki
What the temporary care records protection instruction is
He tohutohu ēnei i raro i te wāhanga 20 o te Ture Mauhanga Tūmatanui 2005 (te Ture), i whakatakotoria ai e te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua. Ko tāna he unu i te ‘Pānui Whānui e Whakakore ana i te Mana Ākiri i ngā Mauhanga Tūmatanui e hāngai ana ki Te Kōmihana Whakatewhatewha Pūwherowhero i te Tūkinotanga i Ngā Whare Whakamaru me ngā Whakanōhanga Whakapono’, me te whakakapi i tēnā ki ētahi tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki. Ko tana koronga he tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki ā-tari tūmatanui, e ai ki te whakamārama o tērā i tā mātou whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki.
Pānuitia te whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki
Ka panoni pea te whakamāramatanga mauhanga manaaki, he whakawhanake tonu nō te Karauna i āna urupare ki ngā tūtohinga o te Kōmihana Pūwherowhero. Ko tōna tikanga, ka puta ētahi atu tūtohinga anō ā te puku o 2024.
This is an instruction under section 20 of the Public Records Act 2005 (the Act) put in place by the Chief Archivist. It withdraws the ‘General Notice Revoking Authority to Dispose of Public Records relevant to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions’, and replaces it with a temporary care records protection instruction. Its purpose is to protect public office care records as defined in our care records definition.
Read the care records definition
The care records definition might change as the Crown is still developing its responses to the Royal Commission’s recommendations. Further recommendations are due to be published in mid-2024.
He aha ngā mea kei raro i te maru o ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki
What the temporary care records protection instruction covers
Ka raua atu ki ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki ko ērā tari tūmatanui katoa:
e waihanga ana
e whiwhi ana
e pupuri ana rānei
i ngā mauhanga manaaki.
Ka kapi i ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki ko ngā mauhanga manaaki kua waihanga kē me ērā hoki kāore anō kia waihanga, i te:
tuku atu rānei.
Kei raro i ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki ka taea tonu e te tari tūmatanui te whakawhiti ngā mauhanga kei raro i te mana ākiritanga o tēnei wā ki te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua, ki tētahi atu tari tūmatanui rānei nō te Ture.
Ngā mauhanga a ngā wāhi whakamaru Karauna-kore
Ka whakamarutia e ngā tohutohu nei ngā mauhanga katoa e pā ana ki ngā mahi kua oti i ngā whakahaere ehara i te kāwanatanga mā ngā whakahaere kāwanatanga.
Ehara i te mea he mauhanga tūmatanui ko ngā mauhanga a ngā whakahaere e whakarato ana i ngā ratonga manaaki e tūhāhā atu ana i te Karauna me te kore ō rātou hononga ā-kirimana ki te Karauna. Mō ēnei mauhanga, me pānui ēnei tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki hei marohi noa iho e pā ana ki ērā mauhanga me tiaki kei whakamōtī.
Te kāwanatanga ā-rohe
Kāore ēnei tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki e hāngai pū ana ki ngā mauhanga a te kāwanatanga ā-rohe. Me pānui tēnei hei marohi noa iho e pā ana ki ērā mauhanga me tiaki kei whakamōtī, waihoki, māna e ārahi ngā urupare a te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua ki ngā pānui ākiritanga mō ngā mauhanga e tiakina ana kei raro i te wāhanga 40 o te Ture.
The temporary care records protection instruction covers all public offices that:
receive, or
care records.
The temporary care records protection instruction covers both existing and yet to be created care records, from:
Transfer of records under a current disposal authority by public offices to the Chief Archivist — or to another public office — may be carried out under the temporary care records protection instruction.
Records of non-State care settings
Any records relating to work non-government organisations (NGOs) have carried out on behalf of government organisations are covered by this instruction.
Records of organisations where care services are provided independently of the State and not under contract to the State are not public records. For these records, this temporary care records protection instruction should be read as advisory about which records are recommended for protection from destruction.
Local government
The temporary care records protection instruction does not directly apply to local authority records. It should be read as advisory as to which records they are recommended to protect from destruction and will inform the Chief Archivist’s response to disposal notifications for protected records under section 40 of the Act.
Ngā mahi arotake a te mana ākiri
Disposal authority review work
E ai ki te tūtohinga 89 o te pūrongo utu paremata a te Kōmihana Pūwherowhero mō te Tūkinotanga i ngā Whare Whakamaru, a ‘He Purapura Ora, He Māra Tipu’ mā te Karauna e:
‘arotake whitawhita ngā mana ākiritanga e hāngai ana ki ngā mauhanga manaaki’
‘whai whakaaro ki te aukati i te ākiritanga o ngā mauhanga manaaki kia oti rā anō āna mahi e pā ana ki ngā mauhanga, koni atu rānei’.
Ngā mana ākiritanga
He taputapu ā-ture ngā mana ākiritanga ka whakaputahia e te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua e tohu mai ana i:
te roa rānei o tā te tari tūmatanui pupuri tonu i tēnā, i tēnā tūmomo mōhiohio, mauhanga hoki
te pēheatanga ki ngā mauhanga ā muri atu i tēnei.
Kei te mahi tonu mātou ki te arotake i ngā mana ākiritanga o ngā whakahaere rāngai tūmatanui hei tautoko i ngā mahi utu paremata a te Karauna ā te wā e heke ana. Kei te tirotiro mātou ki ngā tikanga o nāianei mō te pupuri me te ākiri atu i ngā mauhanga manaaki. I ērā wāhi e matea ana ka waihanga hoki mātou i ngā ture hou e pā ana ki te pupuri me te ākiri i ēnei.
I a mātou e whakaoti ana i tēnei mahi ka tiaki mai ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki, hei whakakaha i ō te Kāwanatanga kawatau ki te mārama, te haepapa me te mahi tahi o ngā tari tūmatanui.
The Abuse in Care Royal Commission's 2021 redress report ‘He Purapura Ora, He Māra Tipu’ recommendation 89 stated the Crown should:
‘urgently review disposal authorities relevant to care records’
‘consider whether to prohibit the disposal of care records until at least the completion of its work on records’.
Disposal authorities
Disposal authorities are legal instruments issued by the Chief Archivist that say:
how long public offices should retain specific types of information and records
what should happen to the record after this.
We’re working on a review of disposal authorities of public offices to support the Crown’s future redress work. We’re looking at the existing settings for retention and disposal of care records. Where necessary, we’ll also create new rules around their retention and disposal.
While this work is carried out, the temporary care records protection instruction will protect care records, reinforcing the Government’s expectations of transparency, accountability, and cooperation from public offices.
Te roa o te wā ka mana ai ēnei tohutohu
How long the instruction will be in place
Kua puta mai ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki me te kore o tana rā whakamutunga totoka. Ka mana tonu kia whakatau rā anō te Kaipūranga Kōrero Matua kua mutu tana whaitake.
The temporary care records protection instruction has been issued without a fixed end date. It will remain in force until the Chief Archivist decides that it is no longer required.
Te whakamōtī i ngā mōhiohio taketake
This action will not impact your ability to access your own records
Hei kirirarau ka taea tonu e koe te tono atu ō ake mauhanga mā te ahu atu ki te tari kāwanatanga e tika ana.
As a member of the public, you can continue to request your own records by approaching the relevant government agency.
Ehara mā ēnei tohutohu tō āheinga ki ō ake mauhanga e aukati
Destruction of source information
Ina whakaaro ana tō tari tūmatanui, kāwanatanga ā-rohe rānei, ki te whakamatihiko i ngā mauhanga tūmatanui, i ngā mauhanga kāwanatanga ā-rohe e tiakina ana me he mauhanga manaaki ērā — me te whāinga ka whakamōtītia ngā putanga taketake — me mātua whakapā mai ki a mātou e wānangahia ai ngā tūraru o te ngarotanga atu o te mōhiohio, e pitomata ana, e māharaharatia ana rānei.
If your public office or local authority is considering digitising public records or protected local authority records that are care records — with the aim of destroying the source copies — you must first contact us to discuss the risks of potential or perceived loss of information.
Me he paku māharahara ō koutou, me tiaki ngā mauhanga
If there’s any doubt, the records should be protected
Anei tā mātou marohi atu mō te noho mai rānei o ētahi mauhanga hei mauhanga manaaki e whakamarutia ana e ngā tohutohu taupua mō te tiaki i ngā mauhanga manaaki, me he paku māharahara, me tiaki ngā mauhanga.
Our advice about whether certain records are care records covered by the temporary care records protection instruction is that if there is any doubt, retain the records.
Alternate formats for the temporary care records protection instruction
We're providing the temporary care records protection instruction in various alternate formats below. We'll add additional formats as we receive them from our external providers.
Contact us if you have problems accessing one of the alternate formats.
New Zealand Sign Language
Download and listen to the temporary care records protection instruction (MP3 2.5MB)
To access information about the temporary care records protection instruction on TellMe:
call your local number for TellMe
key in the number 5742.
Large print
Read the temporary care records protection instruction in large print (PDF 225KB)
Download the temporary care records protection instruction in Braille (BRF 5.04KB)
Easy Read
Temporary care records protection instruction Easy Read (Word 2.93MB)
Temporary care records protection instruction Easy Read (PDF 1.03MB)