Ngā raraungameta mō ngā mōhiohio me ngā mauhanga
Metadata for information and records
Metadata is descriptive data that helps people to find, understand, authenticate, trust, use and manage information and records. If information and records have metadata, we know what it is, what it has been used for, and how to use it. Metadata also makes information and records easier to find.
Definition of metadata
Different professional communities define the term “metadata” differently and use metadata in different ways. Metadata for the information and records management profession refers to descriptive information about the content, context, structure and management of information and records needed now and in the future.
Benefits of using metadata
Metadata is a very flexible and powerful tool that serves many purposes. Some of the benefits of using metadata include:
helps organisations create reliable and trustworthy evidence of their business activities
enables users to find, access and identify information and records
facilitates interoperability and helps promote and encourage the easy creation, use, reuse, and sharing of information and records
maximises and amplifies the value of information and records by adding context and allowing greater understanding
can be used to manage security and privacy requirements, including intellectual property requirements, so information and records can be appropriately stored and protected
as a tool to proactively plan for and perform ongoing accessibility and preservation activities
automation of certain actions, for example, the sentencing of information and records, and
assists public sector organisations meet the minimum compliance requirements as defined in the Information and records management standard, particularly requirements 2.3, 3.2 and 3.3.
What is included in metadata
Metadata for information and records:
consists of data describing the context, content and structure of information and records, and their management through time
identifies, authenticates and contextualises information and records, and the people, processes and systems that create, manage, maintain and use them
focuses on transactions and activities (how records and information are created, received, exchanged, managed, used and reused).
Metadata for information and records can include information about:
business context
dependencies and relationships among information and records systems
relationships to legal and societal contexts
relationships to individuals, work groups or organisations that create, manage and use information and records.
Common examples of metadata
Common examples of metadata for information and records include:
descriptive information (such as record names, extent, relevant dates, author, editor)
identifiers (such as document numbers, client numbers, supplier numbers, contract numbers and asset numbers)
dates (such as date registered, date actioned or date destroyed)
protective markings to identify sensitive information and records
system process information that provides an audit trail of who has used the information and records, and for what purpose
workflow information that shows how information and records were tracked and actioned across an organisation.
Different types of metadata
Information and records consist of content and persistently linked metadata. Without key metadata, the value of records and information is significantly diminished.
Metadata for information and records includes point-of-capture metadata and process metadata.
Point-of-capture metadata is acquired or assigned at the time the information or record is created or captured. This metadata does not change. Additional point-of-capture metadata is captured if the information or record is repurposed in a new system.
Point of capture metadata
Point of capture metadata documents the content, appearance, structure and technical attributes of information and records, as well as how the context in which they are created.
Process metadata
Process metadata documents the management processes performed on information and records. Such processes include registering into a system, applying or changing security and access rules, transferring control, and destroying or migrating.
Process metadata also includes information about how information and records are used. It will keep accumulating for the lifespan of the information and records.