Ngā taonga whakamīharo — he kōrero mō nga pūkete āniwaniwa
Wonderous treasures — a conversation about rainbow records
Listen to an interview with PrideNZ and learn more about archives related to rainbow communities in our holdings. We’ll also share highlights from digitised records discussed in the interview.
Rainbow records at Archives New Zealand
“There are treasures sitting within our holdings, and you don't know when you're going to come across them,” says former Senior Archivist Donal Raethel.
We care for over 7 million records here at Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand, and many of them are related to rainbow communities.
Read more about pride in the archives
Donal chatted with Gareth Watkins from PrideNZ about these ‘wonderous treasures’. In the interview, they discuss a variety of rainbow records, including:
drag performance within the second New Zealand Expeditionary Force during World War 2
homosexual law reform and civil union
Dr Hjelmar von Dannevill
Amy Bock
Charles Mackay.
Listen to the interview
You can listen to the kōrero (conversation) between Donal and Gareth on PrideNZ’s website. Here, you’ll also find a written summary and transcript of the interview.
View rainbow records online
Our digitisation project team, Te Maeatanga, made new records available online so you can view them without travelling to a reading room. We’ve shared some of the recently digitised items discussed in the interview on this page. You can also view them in full on Collections search using the links below.
Content warning
Some of our records contain language and attitudes now considered outdated or offensive. They reflect the era in which they were created and serve as a reminder of the evolving social landscape. They can be confronting and upsetting to some people and do not represent the values of Archives New Zealand.
Soldiers in drag
Click to expandA soldier dressed in dragADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199Click to expandA soldier dressed in dragADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199
Click to expand2 soldiers dressed in dragADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199Click to expand2 soldiers dressed in dragADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199
Click to expandADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199Click to expandADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199
Click to expandADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199Click to expandADQZ 18905 1 A2 R12726199
Homosexual law reform newspaper clippings
Click to expandWilde bill gives over 16s gay rightsABOT 6787 12 R199616Click to expandWilde bill gives over 16s gay rightsABOT 6787 12 R199616
Click to expandMr Jones claims NZ could become mecca for homosexualsABOT 6787 12 R199616Click to expandMr Jones claims NZ could become mecca for homosexualsABOT 6787 12 R199616
Click to expandChurch body supports gay law reformABOT 6787 12 R199616Click to expandChurch body supports gay law reformABOT 6787 12 R199616
Click to expandGay bill draws 2000 submissionsABOT 6787 12 R199616Click to expandGay bill draws 2000 submissionsABOT 6787 12 R199616
Click to expandCampaign to overturn new sex lawABOT 6787 12 R199616Click to expandCampaign to overturn new sex lawABOT 6787 12 R199616
Click to expandConstance Talmadge in Mrs Leffingwell's BootsACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445Click to expandConstance Talmadge in Mrs Leffingwell's BootsACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445
Click to expandThe Career of Katherine BushACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445Click to expandThe Career of Katherine BushACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445
Click to expandForbidden HoursACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445Click to expandForbidden HoursACGO 8333 1313 13/11/16 R12329445
View the cinematography censorship records on Collections search
37th Parliament Privileges Committee files
Click to expand37th Parliament Privileges Committee filesABGX 16127 174 R316220Click to expand37th Parliament Privileges Committee filesABGX 16127 174 R316220
Click to expandCarmen's passport photoAAAC 25277 W5972 Box 1 4/6/111
A photo from Carmen's passport application file
Click to expandCarmen's passport photoAAAC 25277 W5972 Box 1 4/6/111A photo from Carmen's passport application file
Read about Carmen Rupe's passport
Charles McKay in the New Zealand Police Gazette
Click to expandCharles McKay in the New Zealand Police GazetteACIS 17653 41 R17068678Click to expandCharles McKay in the New Zealand Police GazetteACIS 17653 41 R17068678
Click to expandAmy BockDAAC 21295 400 11 R25432531Click to expandAmy BockDAAC 21295 400 11 R25432531
Read more about Amy Bock on our Flickr
Justice and Electoral Committee Civil Union Bill submissions and reports
Click to expandSubmission to the Civil Union Bill from a single motherABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/2 R23617839Click to expandSubmission to the Civil Union Bill from a single motherABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/2 R23617839
Click to expandCivil Union Bill submission from P. J. AdamsonABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/2 R23617839Click to expandCivil Union Bill submission from P. J. AdamsonABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/2 R23617839
Click to expandCivil Union Bill Explanatory noteABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/3 R23617836Click to expandCivil Union Bill Explanatory noteABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/3 R23617836
Click to expandWedding vows and words of commitmentABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/3 R23617836Click to expandWedding vows and words of commitmentABGX 16127 430 JE 2/9/3 R23617836
View the Justice and Electoral Committee Civil Union Bill reports on Collections search
Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa
This kōrero was inspired by a series of queer history tours delivered in collaboration with Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa (formerly Te Pūranga Takatāpui o Aotearoa, LAGANZ Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand). Donal is a long serving and valued member of LAGANZ.
The archive provides access to records and personal papers of LGBTTIFQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui, fa'afafine, intersex and queer) people and organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand.