Chinese portraits
These images of Chinese immigrants who wanted to leave New Zealand temporarily were taken between 1904 and 1956. The whole series has been digitised.
The Chinese Immigrants Act 1881 and the Immigration Restriction Act 1899 and its amendments, set out details of requirements to be met by ‘aliens’ or non-British citizens, entering or leaving New Zealand, When departing overseas, they required certificates of registration to ensure that they would be permitted to re-enter New Zealand.
These were issued by the Collector of Customs in Dunedin. They were issued in duplicate, with one copy given to the person applying and one retained by the Collector.
When they returned, the certificate was presented to a Customs official, and once identified, they could enter the country. The surrendered certificate was then forwarded to the Collector of Customs who had issued it and filed with his copy. The certificate also exempted them from paying the poll tax required under the Chinese Immigrants Act 1881, provided they had paid it on their first entry. The certificates generally show the following details:
port and date of issue of certificate
name of alien and place of residence
identification details such as the place and date of birth, physical features
arrival details and a photograph
Some of the earlier certificates also required fingerprints. Some certificates have the initial application attached, or correspondence about the individual concerned.
Click to expandKwok Tso WaiDADF/D429/19064/1a
Kwok Tso Wai arrived in Dunedin on 19 August 1893. Photographer - C W Pattillo, Dunedin
Click to expandKwok Tso WaiDADF/D429/19064/1aKwok Tso Wai arrived in Dunedin on 19 August 1893. Photographer - C W Pattillo, Dunedin
Click to expandChow TongDADF/D429/19064/1b
Chow Tong was a resident of Duffers Gully, Cromwell. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandChow TongDADF/D429/19064/1bChow Tong was a resident of Duffers Gully, Cromwell. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandYeung Yeung TsuenDADF/D429/19064/1c
Yeung Yeung Tsuen left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandYeung Yeung TsuenDADF/D429/19064/1cYeung Yeung Tsuen left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandKwok Leung KitDADF/D429/19064/1d
Kwok Leung Kit arrived in Dunedin in November 1896. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Dunedin
Click to expandKwok Leung KitDADF/D429/19064/1dKwok Leung Kit arrived in Dunedin in November 1896. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Dunedin
Click to expandChow WyeDADF/D429/19064/1e
Chow Wye left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin
Click to expandChow WyeDADF/D429/19064/1eChow Wye left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin
Click to expandLye Ping LeunDADF/D429/19064/1f
Lye Ping Leun left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Princes Street, Dunedin
Click to expandLye Ping LeunDADF/D429/19064/1fLye Ping Leun left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Princes Street, Dunedin
Click to expandWong LeongDADF/D429/19064/1g
Wong Leung left Dunedin on the "Manuka" on 14 January 1901. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandWong LeongDADF/D429/19064/1gWong Leung left Dunedin on the "Manuka" on 14 January 1901. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandChou Yung MoDADF/D429/19064/1h
Chou Yung Mo arrived in Dunedin in May 1878. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Dunedin
Click to expandChou Yung MoDADF/D429/19064/1hChou Yung Mo arrived in Dunedin in May 1878. Photographer - The American Photo Company, Dunedin
Click to expandYeung Chuun HeenDADF/D429/19064/1i
Yeung Chuun Heen left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandYeung Chuun HeenDADF/D429/19064/1iYeung Chuun Heen left Dunedin for Sydney on the "Mokoia" on 8 June 1904. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandChoi YipDADF/D429/19064/1j
Choi Yip arrived in Dunedin in 1893 from Canton. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandChoi YipDADF/D429/19064/1jChoi Yip arrived in Dunedin in 1893 from Canton. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandTommy Wah ChungDADF/D429/19064/1k
Tommy Wah Chung arrived in Dunedin in 1884 from Hong Kong. Photographer - M Reis, Otago
Click to expandTommy Wah ChungDADF/D429/19064/1kTommy Wah Chung arrived in Dunedin in 1884 from Hong Kong. Photographer - M Reis, Otago
Click to expandSoo Mo TingDADF/D429/19064/1l
Soo Mo Ting arrived in Dunedin about February 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - M N Coupee, Royal Arcade, Dunedin
Click to expandSoo Mo TingDADF/D429/19064/1lSoo Mo Ting arrived in Dunedin about February 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - M N Coupee, Royal Arcade, Dunedin
Click to expandYan Wun LockDADF/D429/19064/1m
Yan Wun Lock arrived in Dunedin in 1895 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYan Wun LockDADF/D429/19064/1mYan Wun Lock arrived in Dunedin in 1895 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChin Tai FongDADF/D429/19064/1n
Chin Tai Fong arrived in Dunedin in 1899 on board the "Wakatipu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChin Tai FongDADF/D429/19064/1nChin Tai Fong arrived in Dunedin in 1899 on board the "Wakatipu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChan ShekDADF/D429/19064/1o
Chan Shek arrived in Dunedin in March 1881 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChan ShekDADF/D429/19064/1oChan Shek arrived in Dunedin in March 1881 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandWong Sheung TseungDADF/D429/19064/1p
Wong Sheung Tseung arrived in Dunedin in February 1881 from Hong Kong. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandWong Sheung TseungDADF/D429/19064/1pWong Sheung Tseung arrived in Dunedin in February 1881 from Hong Kong. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin
Click to expandLee GowDADF/D429/19064/1q
Lee Gow arrived in Dunedin in 1880 from Hong Kong. Originally from Canton, Lee Gow worked as a gardner. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandLee GowDADF/D429/19064/1qLee Gow arrived in Dunedin in 1880 from Hong Kong. Originally from Canton, Lee Gow worked as a gardner. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandLee KeyDADF/D429/19064/1r
Lee Key arrived in Dunedin about 1871 from Hong Kong. Originally from Canton, Lee Key worked as a gardner. Photograph - Unknown.
Click to expandLee KeyDADF/D429/19064/1rLee Key arrived in Dunedin about 1871 from Hong Kong. Originally from Canton, Lee Key worked as a gardner. Photograph - Unknown.
Click to expandGee ChokDADF/D429/19064/1s
Gee Chok arrived in Dunedin in 1892 from Hong Kong. Photographer - W R Frost, George Street, Dunedin
Click to expandGee ChokDADF/D429/19064/1sGee Chok arrived in Dunedin in 1892 from Hong Kong. Photographer - W R Frost, George Street, Dunedin
Click to expandKaan Hoong ShumDADF/D429/19064/1v
Kaan Hoong Shum arrived in Dunedin on 26 April 1895 from Sydney. Photographer - Wrigglesworth & Binns, Dunedin.
Click to expandKaan Hoong ShumDADF/D429/19064/1vKaan Hoong Shum arrived in Dunedin on 26 April 1895 from Sydney. Photographer - Wrigglesworth & Binns, Dunedin.
Click to expandYeung Kui HonDADF/D429/19064/1w
Yeung Kui Hon arrived in Dunedin on 7 May 1888 from Hong Kong. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin.
Click to expandYeung Kui HonDADF/D429/19064/1wYeung Kui Hon arrived in Dunedin on 7 May 1888 from Hong Kong. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin.
Click to expandCheong YoheDADF/D429/19064/1x
Cheong Yohe arrived in Dunedin September 1871 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandCheong YoheDADF/D429/19064/1xCheong Yohe arrived in Dunedin September 1871 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandJimmy KongDADF/D429/19064/1y
Jimmy Kong arrived in Dunedin in 1872 from Hong Kong. Orignally a native of Canton. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin.
Click to expandJimmy KongDADF/D429/19064/1yJimmy Kong arrived in Dunedin in 1872 from Hong Kong. Orignally a native of Canton. Photographer - H A Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin.
Click to expandChin SueyDADF/D429/19064/1z
Chin Suey arrived in Dunedin in 1879 from Sydney. Photographer - Clayton, Gore, Southland.
Click to expandChin SueyDADF/D429/19064/1zChin Suey arrived in Dunedin in 1879 from Sydney. Photographer - Clayton, Gore, Southland.
Click to expandWong Tsuen ShingDADF/D429/19064/1ab
Wong Tsuen Shing arrived in Dunedin on 8 September 1895 from Sydney. Photographer - Morris, Dunedin.
Click to expandWong Tsuen ShingDADF/D429/19064/1abWong Tsuen Shing arrived in Dunedin on 8 September 1895 from Sydney. Photographer - Morris, Dunedin.
Click to expandJoe FaiDADF/D429/19064/1ac
Joe Fai arrived in Dunedin on 7 March 1875 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandJoe FaiDADF/D429/19064/1acJoe Fai arrived in Dunedin on 7 March 1875 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandJames ShumDADF/D429/19064/1ad
James Shum arrived in Dunedin about 1870. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandJames ShumDADF/D429/19064/1adJames Shum arrived in Dunedin about 1870. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandLeong MaanDADF/D429/19064/2b
Leong Maan arrived in Dunedin about 1880 from Hong Kong. Photographer - W Esquilant, Exchange Court Studios, Dunedin.
Click to expandLeong MaanDADF/D429/19064/2bLeong Maan arrived in Dunedin about 1880 from Hong Kong. Photographer - W Esquilant, Exchange Court Studios, Dunedin.
Click to expandWay YeeDADF/D429/19064/2c
Way Yee arrived in Dunedin on 6 July 1894 on the "Wakatipu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - W Esquilant, Exchange Court Studios, Dunedin.
Click to expandWay YeeDADF/D429/19064/2cWay Yee arrived in Dunedin on 6 July 1894 on the "Wakatipu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - W Esquilant, Exchange Court Studios, Dunedin.
Click to expandSue HamDADF/D429/19064/2d
Sue Ham arrived in Dunedin on 8 June 1904 on the "Victoria" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandSue HamDADF/D429/19064/2dSue Ham arrived in Dunedin on 8 June 1904 on the "Victoria" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandSew Kew and sonDADF/D429/19064/2e
Sew Kew arrived in Dunedin about 1875 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandSew Kew and sonDADF/D429/19064/2eSew Kew arrived in Dunedin about 1875 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown
Click to expandShum Dick or Ah DickDADF/D429/19064/2f
Shum Dick arrived in Dunedon on 27 April 1871 on the "North Star" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandShum Dick or Ah DickDADF/D429/19064/2fShum Dick arrived in Dunedon on 27 April 1871 on the "North Star" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandWong Lye KwongDADF/D429/19064/2g
Wong Lye Kwong arrived in Dunedin in 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - De Maus, Port Chalmers.
Click to expandWong Lye KwongDADF/D429/19064/2gWong Lye Kwong arrived in Dunedin in 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - De Maus, Port Chalmers.
Click to expandWilliam Yip ChongDADF/D429/19064/2h
From Hong Kong, date unknown
Click to expandWilliam Yip ChongDADF/D429/19064/2hFrom Hong Kong, date unknown
Click to expandLee Tsz ChinDADF/D429/19064/2p
Lee Tsz Chin arrived in Dunedin on 2 July 1903 on the "Mokoia" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandLee Tsz ChinDADF/D429/19064/2pLee Tsz Chin arrived in Dunedin on 2 July 1903 on the "Mokoia" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYoung Quang (Young Yuen)DADF 19064 2 q R7518715Click to expandYoung Quang (Young Yuen)DADF 19064 2 q R7518715
Click to expandMoon KingDADF/D429/19064/2r
Moon King arrived in Dunedin on 24 March 1903 on the "Mararoa" via the "Chang Sha" from China. Photographer - Wriggleworth & Binns, Dunedin.
Click to expandMoon KingDADF/D429/19064/2rMoon King arrived in Dunedin on 24 March 1903 on the "Mararoa" via the "Chang Sha" from China. Photographer - Wriggleworth & Binns, Dunedin.
Click to expandJoe Lee TieDADF/D429/19064/2t
Joe Lee Tie arrived in Dunedin in 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandJoe Lee TieDADF/D429/19064/2tJoe Lee Tie arrived in Dunedin in 1874 from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChow Lie TieDADF/D429/19064/2u
Chow Lee Tie arrived in Dunedin in 1876 on the "Chingtu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChow Lie TieDADF/D429/19064/2uChow Lee Tie arrived in Dunedin in 1876 on the "Chingtu" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYip BinDADF/D429/19064/2v
Yip Bin arrived in Dunedin on 4 August 1904 on the "Warrimoo" from Sydney. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYip BinDADF/D429/19064/2vYip Bin arrived in Dunedin on 4 August 1904 on the "Warrimoo" from Sydney. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYong Kum YouDADF/D429/19064/2w
Yong Kum You arrived in Dunedin on 8 April 1878 on the "Wakatipu" via the "Bertha" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYong Kum YouDADF/D429/19064/2wYong Kum You arrived in Dunedin on 8 April 1878 on the "Wakatipu" via the "Bertha" from Hong Kong. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandYeung SeungDADF/D429/19064/2x
Yeung Seung arrived in Dunedin in May 1888 on the "Afghan" from Hong Kong. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin.
Click to expandYeung SeungDADF/D429/19064/2xYeung Seung arrived in Dunedin in May 1888 on the "Afghan" from Hong Kong. Photographer - T Borrow, Dunedin.
Click to expandSew HipDADF/D429/19064/2z
Sew Hip arrived in Dunedin in April 1880 from Canton. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandSew HipDADF/D429/19064/2zSew Hip arrived in Dunedin in April 1880 from Canton. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandWong DuckDADF/D429/19064/2ab
Wong Duck left New Zealand from Dunedin on 28 January 1909. Photographer - H J Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin.
Click to expandWong DuckDADF/D429/19064/2abWong Duck left New Zealand from Dunedin on 28 January 1909. Photographer - H J Gill, Frederick Street, Dunedin.
Click to expandChee HoyDADF/D429/19064/2c
Chee Hoy left New Zealand from Dunedin on 1 March 1907. Photographer - Unknown.
Click to expandChee HoyDADF/D429/19064/2cChee Hoy left New Zealand from Dunedin on 1 March 1907. Photographer - Unknown.